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Lee Hsien Loong Religion

Lee Hsien Loong Will Step Down As Prime Minister Of Singapore

After nearly two decades in power, Lee Hsien Loong will step down on May 15th.

Ethnic and religious considerations have always played a role in Singaporean politics, and the race and religion of the prime minister still matter to Singaporeans.

During his long rule, Singapore has become the most prosperous country in Southeast Asia. Lee was born into a Chinese family that had been established in Singapore since the 19th century. His first language was English, and only upon entering politics did he acquire a command of Chinese as well as Malay and Tamil.

In a multi-religious society like Singapore, the government must take a neutral, secular approach, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Friday, Sept. 9.

Singapore is ranked the most religiously diverse country in the world, but its harmonious society did not come about by chance, said Prime Minister Lee.

Singapore must treasure the racial and religious harmony that it enjoys, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, citing how race and religion have sadly become divisive fault lines in other parts of the world.


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